Collateral Management Japan Forum (JP)

Asia Risk誌が主催する第5回Collateral Management Japan forumが開催されます。本フォーラムは、金融、リスク管理のプロフェッショナルに、刻々と変化するOTCデリバティブ市場規制への対応、清算および決済の実践的戦略、担保管理の最適化についてのベストプラクティスをお話し合いいただく絶好の機会です。<br /> <br /> Collateral Management Japan forumは、規制当局、財務管理の専門家、リスク管理実務者やOTCデリバティブのエキスパートが一堂に会し、本邦デリバティブ、レポおよび証券市場の展望、新たな規制に対処するための戦略、担保管理最適化のための有効な方法、トレーディングコスト軽減のための新手法などについて意見を交わします。<br /> <br /> 毎年、Collateral Management Japan forumには、金融界の第一線で活躍するプロフェッショナルが集まり、金融規制改革の影響や清算集中されないデリバティブ取引のマージン管理に関するベストプラクティスについて意見を交わします。



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Fatema Bookwala

Managing director and chief operating officer, markets and securities services, Asean

HSBC Singapore

Fatema Bookwala is the Markets and Securities Services COO at HSBC Singapore with regional responsibilities in ASEAN (TH, MNL, VN). Fatema is a seasoned Front Office COO with 17+ years of Cross-Asset experience in Financial Services industry. Her areas of expertise include Strategy Development and Execution, Transformation, Regulatory Change, Risk Management and Governance as a strong business partner with all business infrastructure areas.
Fatema is a Rank holder Chartered Accountant from The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and completed Level 3 CFA from CFA Institute Charlottesville.
Fatema is passionate about diversity & inclusion and sustainability initiatives, and is an active member of the Sustainability and Balance Employee Resource Groups at HSBC.

飯沼 綱平



SBI新生銀行グループ統合リスク管理部長。20年以上マーケット業務に携わっている。エキゾチックデリバティブのトレーダ兼クオンツとして、バミューダスワップション、PRDCやCMS等のポートフォリオ管理を担当。さらに、仕組預金の開発を行い、その普及を推進した。その後、市場リスク管理業務の担当。デリバティブや債券投資における市場リスク全般を管理し、収益、リスク管理(VaRやGreeksなど)を行い、近年では、FRTB、CVA、IM、Libor等の各種規制対応を行っている。 東京大学工学部卒業後、日本長期信用銀行(現新生銀行)に入行。早稲田大学大学院ファイナンス学科にてMBA取得。早稲田大学大学院商学研究科博士課程を単位取得退学。同大学院にて、非常勤講師を務める。

糸﨑 真一郎

市場企画部 市場エンジニアリング室 副参事


2012年三菱UFJモルガン・スタンレー証券 入社、現職。MUFG XVAクオンツ・チームの東京ヘッドを務める。加えて、店頭デリバティブ市場に関する調査、政策立案、業界標準策定等に従事し、健全性規制、バーゼル規制、清算集中、 証拠金規制、ISDA SIMM、金利指標改革、モデル・リスク、気候変動リスク、カーボン・クレジット・デリバティブ、暗号資産デリバティブ、デリバティブ・ドキュメンテーション等の領域を担当。金利指標問題に関する意見交換会(事務局:日本証券業協会)主査。ISDA SIMM Governance Executive Committee、ISDA Interest Rates Steering Committee委員。2012年東京大学博士(数理科学)

Khang Nie Lee

Head of non-financial risk, Apac

Credit Suisse

Khang Nie Lee is the Head of Non-Financial Risk (NFR) for Asia Pacific (APAC) at Credit Suisse.

She is a trained accountant and is a Fellow at the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (FCA). Prior to joining Credit Suisse, Khang Nie was a consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers where she ran a number of process improvement projects for clients in the financial services sector.

In Credit Suisse, she headed various functions across the CFO Division in APAC, including Investment Banking Finance, South East Asia Legal Entity Finance and SOX program before joining NFR in the CRO Division.”

大野 イグナシオ


Credit Suisse

John Place

Director and head of credit risk, Japan


John Place is Head of Credit Risk Management at Barclays Japan. After graduating from International Christian University in 1988 and beginning his banking career as a new grad working for Fuji Bank, John has worked in the financial industry for his entire career based in Tokyo, with the exception of two years he spent in Chicago. Prior to joining Barclays, John worked for JP Morgan and its legacy institutions for 15years. Away from work, John cares passionately about the Citizenship and Diversity, and has provided a variety of training sessions for students to connect them with employment opportunities. John holds a bachelor of arts degree from International Christian University, Tokyo and an MBA from the University of Washington.

Alexander Pui

Adjunct fellow

The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Climate Change Research Centre

Gaël Robert

Global head, risk analytics


Rashmi Rao

Former director, equity trading platform solutions

UBS Global Asset Management

Rashmi Rao is former Director of Equity Trading Platform Solutions, UBS Asset Management. In her former role, Rashmi was responsible for business management, administration and support for global equity and multi-asset trading spearheading tactical and strategic business transformation through technological solutions in areas of centralized trading, regulation, commission management and post trade analysis. Rashmi also oversaw global electronic connectivity and collaborated very closely with portfolio managers, traders, operations, compliance, vendors and technology teams globally. Prior to joining UBS in 2005, Rashmi spent her software career with JP Morgan Chase and Lincoln Financial group. 

龍 清隆



設楽 康次郎




ホールセール事務企画室 室長





Wen Xie

Chief risk officer

Standard Chartered Bank

柳沢 俊




2002年JPモルガン証券株式会社入社。約20年の業界経験を元に、FIA-Japanのヴァイスプレジデント兼 理事 執行役員、オペレーション委員会委員長、JSCC(日本証券クリアリング機構)金利スワップ運営委員会委員、TFX(東京金融取引所)ホールセール市場運営委員会委員、ISDA各種WGメンバーとしてOTC・上場デリバティブ双方のクライアント・クリアリング安定性実現に向け提言を続けている。





モルガン・スタンレー(法務部)にて、レギュラトリー・アフェアーズのアジア地域のヘッドを務めており、モルガンスタンレーのアジア地域に関する金融規制対応に従事している。モルガン・スタンレー入社前は、Davis Polk & Wardwell外国法事務弁護士事務所にて執務。過去には米国デューク大学ロースクールにて客員教授として、明治大学法学部にてグローバル金融規制に関して教鞭を執っていた。米国デューク大学ロースクール(LL.M.)、青山学院大学院(M.B.A.)、上智大学(LL.B.)。ニューヨーク州弁護士。

Gloria Yuen

Head of regulatory enablement and delivery

National Australia Bank

With over a decade of international risk management and regulatory compliance experience, Gloria is a risk management evangelist who believes having inclusive and diverse leadership is the cornerstone for effective risk management, innovation and good corporate governance. Being a citizen of the world, Gloria is a bridge builder in her personal and professional life, bringing curiosity, integrity, and intelligence to her numerous ventures.

Before moving to Australia with NAB, she held various advisory and management positions with Asia Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association’s Compliance Committee, NAB Asia, JP Morgan Chase, Santander and China Merchants Bank. Gloria obtained her law degree from the University of Hong Kong and is a certified professional practitioner and fellow member of the International Compliance Association.

Gloria is privileged to serve in NAB’s Cultural Inclusion Committee which drives strategic initiatives to harness the power of cultural inclusion in leadership roles. Also serving as a member of the Women in Banking and Finance Vic Leadership Committee, Gloria targets to grow the talent pipeline of professional women and develops initiatives to amplify the voice of women of all backgrounds.

Ken Utsunomiya

Operating officer, deputy chief process officer and head of global operations

Mizuho Securities

Ken Utsunomiya Joined Nippon Credit Bank in 1996. He has been engaged in the development of the BOJ RTGS and securities settlement system in Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. since 1999.

After that, he joined BNP Paribas Securities in 2000, and worked on IT system development in the back division until 2012. From 2004 to 2006, worked at BNP Paribas (London) to develop a global bond trading platform. After returning to Japan, he took up the post of Head of Operations and later concurrently held the banking division. Finally, as Head of IT and Operations, he oversaw IT infrastructure, IT security and IT governance, as well as IT and operations for each product.
From 2010 to 2012, he served concurrently as Auditor of Japan Government Clearing Corporation.

Joined Societe Generale Securities /Bank and Lyxor Asset Management in 2012. As COO, he led the start-up of flow business, integration with Newedge Securities with the achievement of Japanese incorporation (KK) , and renovation project of back office system. In addition, we constructed an office environment for work style reform in conjunction with office relocation.

July 2018, Joined Mizuho Securities. As COO of the Global Markets Division, he has worked across products to build GTOM (Global Target Operating Model Committee) to promote the establishment of Business and IT infrastructure from a front-to-back perspective, and since April 2020 has also served as Global Joint Operations Head in Operations. In April 2021, he also started the mission of Attached to FG CIO and is taking charge of the overseas IT structural reform of Mizuho Financial Group. In addition, Joint Head of Operations Group added in April 2022 and Deputy Chief Process Officer (CPrO), Head of Global Operations has been added from April 2023.

Tomohiro Ishikawa

Chief regulatory engagement officer



Collateral Management Japanカンファレンスには、主要な域内・海外の金融機関と規制当局のシニアプロフェッショナルが一堂に会し、世界における規制改革の影響を分析し、変化するOTCデリバティブ規制に対応するためのベストプラクティスや清算・決済の実践戦略と担保最適化のための革新的ソリューションについての意見を交わしていただきます。

CB Institute Hero



Collateral Management Japanカンファレンスは、リスクや金融業界プロフェッショナルために、証拠金要件やcollateral challenges  に関する実用的洞察をご提供します。


2021年 カンファレンスのハイライト:

  • 当初証拠金規制の最新情報
  • 店頭デリバティブによるLIBOR移行の準備
  • 取引前要件の理解と最安ルートの検索
  • 強力で一貫性のある担保管理オペレーションの構築
  • 担保管理リスクを管理しながら、流動性を最大化する



Past delegates collateral

Peter Young
Speaker enquiries
Peter Young

Head of event content, Apac

Sponsorship enquiries
Perpetua Ngo

Head of commercial sales, Asia